23 de Junio  ●   Long-wattled Umbrella-bird  ●  Contact & Location  ● Cabaņas Umbrellabird-Lodge ●  Map

Map to Umbrellabird Lodge

Beginning at San Miguel de los Bancos continue toward PedroVicente Maldonado on the main road until you reach the detour that goes to Santo Domingo de Los Sachilas.  This detour is just outside Los Bancos.  This road will descend toward Rio Blanco and then climb out of the river valley.  Just as you get out of the river valley there is a left turn with two possible roads.  Take the road to the left and stay on this road until you reach 23 de Junio.  It is about 8 kilometers from the turnoff to the town.

As you drive into the village you will see an open field and a church on the left side.  Luis house is the next house (two story) which is in the corner just beyond the church.

See map below:


For reservations please call:

Luis Ajilla son at 0968009554; international calls at 593-968009554

Luis Ajilla father at 0990639057 international calls at 593-990639057

We only speak Spanish


[23 De Junio] [Umbrella-Bird] [Contact & Location] [Umbrellabird Lodge] [Map Umbrellabird Lodge]

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